Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And So It Begins...

Today i Skyped Austin for the first time since we started our journey. It really stinks that we have to go back to Skyping. Saying i hate it...would be an understatement. I wish i could have spent more time with him while he was home. I love this guy and i'm not quite sure how to tell him. least i think i love him. He gives me a feeling no other guy has before. He's the type of guy that i have been wanting to showing off to everyone. And the type of guy i can see myself happy with. I hope he knows how much i like him. I do a really bad job of showing it sometimes. Maybe it's because i'm scared to get attached to someone again. Clint and i lasted three years and look where we are now. But all in all i would say he's a keeper. He never fails to amaze me. I'm proud of him. He's good for me. I really think we can make it. I also hope i can stay sane until he comes home. Long distance relationships are an experience i'll tell you that. I don't know how Military couples do it. I'm in the process of learning it all and this lifestyle so hopefully i can tell you more about it later on. 

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